School Shooting Chardon Ohio High School
Another school shooting, this time in Chardon Ohio at Chardon High School. This is just being reported. I'm following the local police and EMS scanner online and as of now its reported that there are 2 shooters. One is in custody, one is on the loose and being tracked by officers. It is reported by students that one is a sophomore at Chardon High School. Confirmed victims at this point include 4 trauma victims, three male and one female, three in critical condition and one stable. Four medical helicopters at the scene as well as a State Highway Patrol helicopter and many ambulances and police.
I have been told by "local sources" that the shooter is a sophomore at Chardon High School. I am not 100% sure of the accuracy of this information so I will not release the name at this time but apparently there has been some information from this young man on twitter regarding bringing a gun to school.
I uploaded a video to youtube with links to the LIVE feed, LIVE local police scanner feed and more HERE ...
I'll post more info as it becomes available.
See the video HERE
IMPORTANT! Executive Order 13575 = UN Agenda 21
PLEASE take a minute and do some research on this matter. Take a look at Executive Order 13575 AND UN Agenda 21 and form your own opinion. Here are a few links to help you out...
JPMorgan Takes Delivery of Almost 1 Million Tons of Sugar

JPMorgan Takes Delivery of Almost 1 Million Tons of Sugar
A JPMorgan Chase & Co. unit took delivery of almost 1 million metric tons of raw sugar, the most for the commodity since 2009, to settle the expiring March futures contract in New York.
JPMorgan Futures accepted delivery on 18,748 sugar contracts, or the equivalent of 952,398 tons, ICE Futures U.S. said yesterday on its website. That represents 9.2 percent of this year’s U.S. consumption as estimated by the government. Prices climbed to the highest level in almost three weeks in New York trading today.
Raw sugar doubled in 2010’s second half on concern that global supplies would trail demand following crop damage in Australia and India. The sweetener touched a 30-year high of 36.08 cents a pound on Feb. 2. May-delivery sugar trades at a higher price than the July contract, a so-called backwardation that may signal concern about supply.
Agricultural prices have a “lot of risks to the upside,” Abah Ofon, an analyst at Standard Chartered Plc, said today by phone in Singapore. “When there’s a risk of supply disruptions, a lot of users would rather take delivery now.”
Raw sugar for May delivery climbed 0.52 cent, or 1.8 percent, to 29.78 cents a pound at 10:35 a.m. London time on ICE Futures U.S. in New York. Prices reached 29.92 cents, the highest level since Feb. 11. White, or refined, sugar for May delivery gained $13.40, or 1.8 percent, to $746.80 a ton on NYSE Liffe in London.
Justin Perras, a JPMorgan spokesman, declined to comment when reached by telephone in New York, where the company is based. JPMorgan is the second-largest U.S. bank by assets.
The delivery was the biggest since 1.35 million tons were delivered to satisfy the July 2009 contract, exchange data show. Each sugar contract is for 112,000 pounds (50.8 metric tons). The U.S. will consume 11.41 million short tons (10.4 million metric tons) in the year that began Oct. 1, the Department of Agriculture estimated on Feb. 9.
“The delivery was above the 700,000 metric tons we were expecting,” said Marcos Mine, head of sugar and ethanol trading at ICAP Brasil.
More than two-thirds of the deliveries were supplies from Brazil, the world’s largest producer and exporter, according to the ICE report. The rest came from Central America and Thailand. March 15 is the last day for delivery against the recently expired contract.
Demand exceeded supply by about 8 million tons last year in the global market, Ofon said. Improving supplies from Brazil may move the market toward a balance, with either a shortage or an oversupply of 1 million tons this year, he said.
“Inventories are very low, and users are rebuilding their stockpiles,” Ofon said. “It’s a backdrop against a very tight market.”
The global sugar market will be in deficit for a third year in the 2010-11 marketing season, C. Czarnikow Sugar Futures Ltd. said yesterday. The shortfall comes to 3.7 million tons now, it said.
Brazilian raw-sugar exports declined 6.5 percent from a year earlier to 915,900 tons in February, data from the country’s Trade Ministry showed yesterday.
Arabica coffee for May delivery dropped 0.4 percent to $2.682 a pound on ICE. Robusta coffee for May delivery slid 0.8 percent to $2,366 a ton on NYSE Liffe.
Cocoa for May delivery added 0.1 percent to $3,625 a ton in New York. Cocoa for May delivery rose 0.5 percent to 2,336 pounds ($3,804) a ton in London.
To contact the reporters on this story: Debarati Roy in New York at; Isis Almeida in London at
Mubarak Leaves Office After 18 Days of Protest

Cairo - PNN - After 18 days of unprecedent protests in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak decided to "waive the office of the republic" and left the country on Friday afternoon. Mubarak left power in the hands of the Egyptian military, with Vice President Omar Suleiman, who Mubarak appointed, likely to transition into authority.
Protests against deposed president Mubarak (PNN Archive).
Celebrations were reported all over Egypt immediately after the announcement, which came at 6 p.m. in Cairo.
Mubarak's flight comes one week after the "Friday of Departure," a day of protests in Egypt's Tahrir Square that drew more than two million people. This Friday, helicopters were seen leaving the Presidential Palace in Cairo, where thousands of protesters had gathered, angry that Mubarak had voiced his intent to retain the presidency in a speech on Thursday night.
Three weeks of protests in Egypt, the largest since the 1970s, have left more than 300 people dead and 5000 injured, according to Human Rights Watch. Spurred by success in Tunisia, Egyptian protesters demanded the end of Mubarak's 30-year regime, characterized by corruption and a seemingly neverending state of emergency, which granted the military and police forces virtually unchecked privileges.
Shortly before Mubarak left, human rights activist and presidential hopeful Mohammed al-Baradei tweeted from a crowded Tahrir Square, "Entire nation is on the streets. Only way out is for regime to go. People power can't be crushed. We shall prevail."
The official statement from Vice President Suleiman read, "In these difficult circumstances the country is passing through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down as president of Egypt. He has decided that the higher council of the armed forces will lead the nation."
Panel finds financial crisis was avoidable
Panel finds financial crisis occurred because gov't officials, industry ignored warning signs
Marcy Gordon and Daniel Wagner, AP Business Writers, On Thursday January 27, 2011, 2:12 pm
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government-appointed panel investigating the roots of the financial crisis says the meltdown occurred because government officials and Wall Street executives ignored warning signs and failed to manage risks.
The crisis could have been avoided, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission determined in a final report released Thursday that was only supported by Democrats on the panel. Instead the country fell into the deepest recession since the 1930s and millions of people lost their jobs, the congressionally appointed panel concluded.
The Bush and Clinton administrations, the current and previous Federal Reserve chairmen, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner all bear some responsibility for allowing the crisis to happen, the panel said.
It also criticized bankers who got rich by creating trillions of dollars in risky investments. The deals grew so complex that bank executives and regulators did not understand them, the report found, and banks discouraged aggressive oversight of their activities, saying the government's interference would stifle financial innovation.
Still, the commission's findings were tainted by partisan politics. Six Democrats on the panel supported the conclusions; the four Republicans dissented. The inquiry commission was created by Congress in 2009 to delve into the causes of the financial crisis.
In a dissent, three Republican commissioners blamed a global credit bubble fed by low interest rates. A separate lone dissent blamed policies aimed at promoting homeownership, including the government's support of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The panel has referred cases of possible criminal wrongdoing to the Justice Department for investigation.
FCIC Chairman Phil Angelides told reporters that the group "fulfilled our obligations and referred matters to the appropriate authorities."
The conclusions contradicted a parade of witnesses in the panel's hearings who said the crisis couldn't have been avoided or prevented. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein were among those asserting that defense.
"The greatest tragedy would be to accept the refrain that no one could have seen this coming and thus nothing could have been done," the report said. "If we accept this notion, it will happen again."
The report detailed numerous warning signs that were ignored, among them: an explosion in risky subprime mortgage lending, an unsustainable rise in housing prices, widespread reports of unscrupulous lending practices, steep increases in homeowners' mortgage debt and a spike in Wall Street firms' trading activities, especially in high-risk financial products.
"A combination of excessive borrowing, risky investments and lack of transparency put the financial system on a collision course with crisis," the report said.
The commission criticized the view held by some regulators that markets are "self-correcting" and banks can police themselves. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan pushed this hands-off approach for decades, at the urging of the financial industry, the report said.
As investments grew more complex, regulators allowed large parts of markets to develop with little oversight. That prevented them from seeing the problem early, or responding effectively, the report found.
A prime example was the Fed's failure to stanch the flow of risky subprime mortgages. The complex investments backed by those mortgages were barely understood by regulators and banking executives. They relied heavily on opinions from credit rating agencies.
The Fed was the only entity that could impose higher standards on mortgage lenders, the report said. Doing so would have slowed the torrent of deals that fed the crisis.
Marcy Gordon and Daniel Wagner, AP Business Writers, On Thursday January 27, 2011, 2:12 pm
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government-appointed panel investigating the roots of the financial crisis says the meltdown occurred because government officials and Wall Street executives ignored warning signs and failed to manage risks.
The crisis could have been avoided, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission determined in a final report released Thursday that was only supported by Democrats on the panel. Instead the country fell into the deepest recession since the 1930s and millions of people lost their jobs, the congressionally appointed panel concluded.
The Bush and Clinton administrations, the current and previous Federal Reserve chairmen, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner all bear some responsibility for allowing the crisis to happen, the panel said.
It also criticized bankers who got rich by creating trillions of dollars in risky investments. The deals grew so complex that bank executives and regulators did not understand them, the report found, and banks discouraged aggressive oversight of their activities, saying the government's interference would stifle financial innovation.
Still, the commission's findings were tainted by partisan politics. Six Democrats on the panel supported the conclusions; the four Republicans dissented. The inquiry commission was created by Congress in 2009 to delve into the causes of the financial crisis.
In a dissent, three Republican commissioners blamed a global credit bubble fed by low interest rates. A separate lone dissent blamed policies aimed at promoting homeownership, including the government's support of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The panel has referred cases of possible criminal wrongdoing to the Justice Department for investigation.
FCIC Chairman Phil Angelides told reporters that the group "fulfilled our obligations and referred matters to the appropriate authorities."
The conclusions contradicted a parade of witnesses in the panel's hearings who said the crisis couldn't have been avoided or prevented. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein were among those asserting that defense.
"The greatest tragedy would be to accept the refrain that no one could have seen this coming and thus nothing could have been done," the report said. "If we accept this notion, it will happen again."
The report detailed numerous warning signs that were ignored, among them: an explosion in risky subprime mortgage lending, an unsustainable rise in housing prices, widespread reports of unscrupulous lending practices, steep increases in homeowners' mortgage debt and a spike in Wall Street firms' trading activities, especially in high-risk financial products.
"A combination of excessive borrowing, risky investments and lack of transparency put the financial system on a collision course with crisis," the report said.
The commission criticized the view held by some regulators that markets are "self-correcting" and banks can police themselves. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan pushed this hands-off approach for decades, at the urging of the financial industry, the report said.
As investments grew more complex, regulators allowed large parts of markets to develop with little oversight. That prevented them from seeing the problem early, or responding effectively, the report found.
A prime example was the Fed's failure to stanch the flow of risky subprime mortgages. The complex investments backed by those mortgages were barely understood by regulators and banking executives. They relied heavily on opinions from credit rating agencies.
The Fed was the only entity that could impose higher standards on mortgage lenders, the report said. Doing so would have slowed the torrent of deals that fed the crisis.
"The State Of Our Union Is Strong" ????
"The state of our union is strong." That's what President Obama said tonight during his state of the union address. It left me wondering if he is a part of the same union I am.
All I heard tonight was the sounds of spending more and more money while "cut backs" he's planning will reduce the defecit by 400 billion dollars OVER TEN YEARS! Ummm we are in debt 14 TRILLION DOLLARS! We are hoping to reduce that by 400 billion in the next ten years? Not to mention that the freeze would not apply to big entitlement programs -- such as Social Security and Medicare -- at the heart of America's deficit problem.
The goal apparently was to uplift Americans as to what the country was founded on and what it could be. He mentioned that America put the first automobiles in driveways but forgot to mention that General Motors sold more cars in China this year than it did in the US.
As usual a whole lot of nothing was accomplished. A lot of words were said and a lot of nothing came through it to me. His own economic team has some very specific ideas on how to deal with entitlements and I heard absolutely nothing about that from Mr. Obama. Do you feel that the speech accomplished anything tonight? Are you left feeling better about the economy now after hearing this?
All I heard tonight was the sounds of spending more and more money while "cut backs" he's planning will reduce the defecit by 400 billion dollars OVER TEN YEARS! Ummm we are in debt 14 TRILLION DOLLARS! We are hoping to reduce that by 400 billion in the next ten years? Not to mention that the freeze would not apply to big entitlement programs -- such as Social Security and Medicare -- at the heart of America's deficit problem.
The goal apparently was to uplift Americans as to what the country was founded on and what it could be. He mentioned that America put the first automobiles in driveways but forgot to mention that General Motors sold more cars in China this year than it did in the US.
As usual a whole lot of nothing was accomplished. A lot of words were said and a lot of nothing came through it to me. His own economic team has some very specific ideas on how to deal with entitlements and I heard absolutely nothing about that from Mr. Obama. Do you feel that the speech accomplished anything tonight? Are you left feeling better about the economy now after hearing this?
State Of The Union Address - Obama challenges Republicans on cuts, spending

By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON | Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:13pm EST
- U.S. President Barack Obama challenged Republicans on Tuesday to adopt limited spending cuts and invest in new research and education to generate a job-creating "Sputnik moment" for America in a speech designed to revitalize his leadership.
Obama, seeking to assure Americans weary of stubbornly high 9.4 percent unemployment and fearful of rising debt, was to lay out his plan to reinvigorate economic growth in a State of the Union address at 9 p.m.
At the midpoint of his four-year term and now preparing for his 2012 re-election campaign, Obama sought to strike a centrist tone, saying that what's at stake is "not who wins the next election."
"At stake is whether new jobs and industries take root in this country, or somewhere else. It's whether the hard work and industry of our people is rewarded," he will say, according to a White House speech text.
Obama proposed a five-year freeze on domestic spending that he said would reduce the budget deficit by $400 billion over a decade. The freeze would not apply to big entitlement programs -- such as Social Security and Medicare -- at the heart of America's deficit problem.
Obama insisted the country needs to increase its investment in research and education to achieve a "Sputnik moment" -- akin to the space race unleashed when the Soviets launched the Sputnik satellite in 1957. The aim would be to trigger a wave of innovation and create jobs at home.
The Democratic president said to cut spending, as Republicans want, in research and education would be "like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine."
"It may feel like you're flying high at first, but it won't take long before you'll feel the impact," he said.
Obama called for closing tax loopholes and using the savings to lower the corporate tax rate for the first time in 25 years.
He also proposed an end to tax subsidies for oil companies to help pay for clean energy innovation. And he will set a goal of having 80 percent of U.S. electricity production to come from clean energy sources, nuclear, solar, wind and "clean coal," by 2035.
He made clear he opposed permanently extending tax cuts for wealthier Americans after agreeing to a two-year extension in a December compromise with Republicans.
Obama vowed to pursue trade deals with Panama and Colombia similar to a recently concluded pact with South Korea, a move likely to be welcomed by trade-friendly Republicans.
Republicans were unhappy with the five-year spending freeze, saying more cuts were needed. They say voters in November gave them increased power in order to roll back the size and scope of government.
"A few years ago, reducing spending was important," Wisconsin Republican Representative Paul Ryan was to say in the Republican response to Obama. "Today, it's imperative. Here's why. We face a crushing burden of debt."
GM's China sales pass US for first time in history
Tom Krisher and Yuri Kageyama, AP Business Writers, On Monday January 24, 2011, 9:29 am EST
GM sold more cars in China than in US for first time; Toyota keeps title for most global sales
Companies:General Motors Company Common S Toyota Motor Corporation Common
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
GM 37.57 +0.33
TM 83.32 +1.31
Tom Krisher and Yuri Kageyama, AP Business Writers, On Monday January 24, 2011, 9:29 am EST
DETROIT (AP) -- General Motors Co. sold more cars and trucks in China last year than it did in the U.S., for the first time in the company's 102-year history.
Despite GM's growth in China, Toyota Motor Corp. held onto the title of world's largest automaker. The Japanese company reported 8.42 million sales worldwide last year. That's 30,000 more than GM's 8.39 million.
GM said Monday that it sold 2.35 million vehicles in fast-growing China, about 136,000 more than it sold in the U.S., with China sales surging 29 percent as an expanding middle class gained wealth. Sales in the U.S., including heavy-duty vehicles, rose 6.3 percent as GM continued to rebound from its 2009 stay in bankruptcy protection.
GM expects its sales growth to continue, and industry analysts say it may once again dethrone Toyota as the global sales leader this year. GM will announce Monday that it's adding a third shift to a pickup truck assembly plant in Flint, Mich., to meet an expected increase in demand as the U.S. economic recovery continues.
Pickup truck sales in the U.S. were up 16 percent last year to 1.6 million vehicles, and they're still among the top-selling vehicles in the country. GM says small businesses are beginning to buy pickups again after staying out of the market for nearly two years.
The company will bring back 650 laid-off workers to staff the Flint plant, which has been operating on two shifts per day, according to a person briefed on a scheduled announcement. The last time the plant worked around the clock was in the second quarter of 2008.
Pickup truck sales rose 16 percent in the U.S. last year, and GM expects sales to continue to go up.
General Motors achieved double-digit jumps in five of its top 10 markets, including the 29 percent increase in China. Toyota, in contrast, sold just 846,000 vehicles in China.
GM also marked a 12.4 percent sales rise in Russia and a 10.4 percent rise in Brazil.
GM and Toyota tied for the global sales lead in 2007, ending GM's 76-year string of global dominance. Toyota took the title in 2008 and has held it ever since, but last year's string of embarrassing safety recalls and a resurgent GM combined to make the race close again.
Toyota sold 8.42 million vehicles globally in 2010, narrowly remaining the world's top automaker ahead of General Motors, which sold 8.39 million cars and trucks. GM's figure was a dramatic 12 percent increase from 2009, a year in which it closed factories and was forced to take aid from the U.S. government to survive.
The race between the two giants appears to be getting close, with the chance the tables could be turned, seeing GM once again rising to the top.
"General Motors is going strong, and it's a sure sign of its re-emergence," said Yasuaki Iwamoto, auto analyst with Okasan Securities Co. in Tokyo.
GM spokesman Tom Henderson said the company isn't focusing on the race with Toyota.
"A financially healthy and sustainable business that benefits our customers, stakeholders and employees takes precedence over any ranking. Our motivation is to be the best global company and let the numbers speak for themselves," he said.
Yuri Kageyama contributed from Tokyo.
GM sold more cars in China than in US for first time; Toyota keeps title for most global sales
Companies:General Motors Company Common S Toyota Motor Corporation Common
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
GM 37.57 +0.33
TM 83.32 +1.31
Tom Krisher and Yuri Kageyama, AP Business Writers, On Monday January 24, 2011, 9:29 am EST
DETROIT (AP) -- General Motors Co. sold more cars and trucks in China last year than it did in the U.S., for the first time in the company's 102-year history.
Despite GM's growth in China, Toyota Motor Corp. held onto the title of world's largest automaker. The Japanese company reported 8.42 million sales worldwide last year. That's 30,000 more than GM's 8.39 million.
GM said Monday that it sold 2.35 million vehicles in fast-growing China, about 136,000 more than it sold in the U.S., with China sales surging 29 percent as an expanding middle class gained wealth. Sales in the U.S., including heavy-duty vehicles, rose 6.3 percent as GM continued to rebound from its 2009 stay in bankruptcy protection.
GM expects its sales growth to continue, and industry analysts say it may once again dethrone Toyota as the global sales leader this year. GM will announce Monday that it's adding a third shift to a pickup truck assembly plant in Flint, Mich., to meet an expected increase in demand as the U.S. economic recovery continues.
Pickup truck sales in the U.S. were up 16 percent last year to 1.6 million vehicles, and they're still among the top-selling vehicles in the country. GM says small businesses are beginning to buy pickups again after staying out of the market for nearly two years.
The company will bring back 650 laid-off workers to staff the Flint plant, which has been operating on two shifts per day, according to a person briefed on a scheduled announcement. The last time the plant worked around the clock was in the second quarter of 2008.
Pickup truck sales rose 16 percent in the U.S. last year, and GM expects sales to continue to go up.
General Motors achieved double-digit jumps in five of its top 10 markets, including the 29 percent increase in China. Toyota, in contrast, sold just 846,000 vehicles in China.
GM also marked a 12.4 percent sales rise in Russia and a 10.4 percent rise in Brazil.
GM and Toyota tied for the global sales lead in 2007, ending GM's 76-year string of global dominance. Toyota took the title in 2008 and has held it ever since, but last year's string of embarrassing safety recalls and a resurgent GM combined to make the race close again.
Toyota sold 8.42 million vehicles globally in 2010, narrowly remaining the world's top automaker ahead of General Motors, which sold 8.39 million cars and trucks. GM's figure was a dramatic 12 percent increase from 2009, a year in which it closed factories and was forced to take aid from the U.S. government to survive.
The race between the two giants appears to be getting close, with the chance the tables could be turned, seeing GM once again rising to the top.
"General Motors is going strong, and it's a sure sign of its re-emergence," said Yasuaki Iwamoto, auto analyst with Okasan Securities Co. in Tokyo.
GM spokesman Tom Henderson said the company isn't focusing on the race with Toyota.
"A financially healthy and sustainable business that benefits our customers, stakeholders and employees takes precedence over any ranking. Our motivation is to be the best global company and let the numbers speak for themselves," he said.
Yuri Kageyama contributed from Tokyo.
Arkansas Dead Birds Mystery: US Official Murdered For Trying To Tell The Truth
Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death
Posted by EU Times on Jan 4th, 2011
A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week.
According to this report, John P. Wheeler III, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. from 2005-2008, when he became the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Environment, was found brutally murdered and dumped in a landfill, and as we can read as reported by Fox News:
“Delaware Police are investigating the apparent murder of a former Bush official who also championed the fund-raising effort to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Wheeler’s body was found in Wilmington on Friday.
According to police, somebody initially reported that the body was dumped out of a refuse truck, which would have been coming from Newark, onto the landfill. Newark Police spokesman Lt. Mark Farrall told Fox News that nobody had reported Wheeler missing before he was found.
The Wilmington News Journal reported that Wheeler was last seen riding an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington,
Del., last Tuesday.”
Wheeler’s military career included writing one of the most important manuals on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons which led to his being hired in 2009as a consultant to the Mitre Corporation, whose aviation system development department, the GRU reports, is at the forefront of creating the computer command andcontrol systems used by the US Air Force in their fleet of aerial spraying planes.
These aerial spraying planes, this report continues, are based at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas that over the past few months have been involved with ‘test dispersants’ of poisonous gasses in the Afghanistan War Theater using chemical weapons stocks obtained from Iraq and held at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, also located in Arkansas.
Important to note about the Pine Bluff Arsenal, which calls itself “America’s Arsenal”, is that it is one of the World’s most specialized munitions and chemical-biological defense products and services bases which Russia had previously accused of not fully reporting the chemical agents removed from Iraq, between 2003 and 2008, and taken to the US for testing and subsequent destruction.
According to this report, the US relocated from Iraq to the Pine Bluff Arsenal an estimated 63,000 metric tonnes of the poisonous gas Phosgene that is described as one of the most feared chemical weapons ever used due to its ability to literally cause the lungs and respiratory system to explode.
Nearly immediately after Russia accused the US this past summer of not fully destroying Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpile the Pine Bluff Arsenal began an ‘accelerated’ disposal programme injecting it deep into the ground in central Arkansas, but which, unfortunately, since this past September, has caused over 500 minor earthquakes to occur raising the concerns of their local population.
More frightening, however, is the claim made in this report that the Americans have also begun shipping ‘massive quantities’ of Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks to Afghanistan where when used they will be able to say they had nothing to do with it, and believe no one will be able to prove it either.
Important to note about Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks are that they are no longer able to be made by any Western country, including the United States, which makes its value as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) incalculable, especially in a war situation like Afghanistan where the enemy forces are firmly entrenched in hostile terrain.
To the direct reason for Wheeler’s murder, this report says, was this past week’s transport of Iraqi Phosgene poisonous gas aboard a US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft from Little Rock Air Force Base enroute to Afghanistan that shortly after takeoff had a ‘critical malfunction’ of its aerial spraying computer directed command and control system over central Arkansas causing the deaths of thousands of red-wing blackbirds.
According to US reports an estimated 4,000 of these birds were killed outright and were quickly removed by US Environmental Services workers wearing hazmat suits and gas masks. Another US report states that cause of death to these thousands of birds was “trauma in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and a lot of internal bleeding” which this GRU report states is consistent with Phosgene exposure.
Even more chilling than this incident is this GRU report stating that it was the second “accidental” release of Phosgene poisonous gas in as many days, as the day before, this same US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft also had a “critical malfunction” causing a release over the Arkansas River that killed over 100,000 fish.
Upon Wheeler discovering what was happening with Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiles, this report continues, he traveled from his home in Delaware to Washington D.C. where he openly confronted and threatened to expose the Pentagon and White House Officials responsible. Being a Vietnam Veteran who wasresponsible for having the famous memorial to that war erected, Wheeler was more than knowledgeable about the United States massive chemical and biological attacks in that conflict and had vowed to not let happen again.
Sadly, but all too common in the United States these days, when Wheeler threatened to go public with what was happening he was targeted for death, and as a “sign” to anyone else thinking of going against the regime, had his body dumped in a garbage pit for all the World to see.
Today, another great American was murdered in an effort to save his country from destruction. Sadly, his death will go barely noticed; the American people seem no longer to care as they continue to seek their solace in their propaganda media lies rather than confronting the brutal truth about the monsters they have let rule over them.
For hundreds of thousands of other Americans they have become so disassociated with what is happening to, and around them, they have proclaimed May 21, 2011 as the day the World will end and are giving up everything in preparing to meet their God.
The great American Revolutionary leader Noah Webster once said, “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”
The Americans living today have utterly failed to heed these words and have, instead, become just what their masters have always intended for them to be… imbeciles. May God have mercy on them all.
SOURCE: The European Union News: View the original article HERE
Posted by EU Times on Jan 4th, 2011
A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week.
According to this report, John P. Wheeler III, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. from 2005-2008, when he became the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Environment, was found brutally murdered and dumped in a landfill, and as we can read as reported by Fox News:
“Delaware Police are investigating the apparent murder of a former Bush official who also championed the fund-raising effort to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Wheeler’s body was found in Wilmington on Friday.
According to police, somebody initially reported that the body was dumped out of a refuse truck, which would have been coming from Newark, onto the landfill. Newark Police spokesman Lt. Mark Farrall told Fox News that nobody had reported Wheeler missing before he was found.
The Wilmington News Journal reported that Wheeler was last seen riding an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington,
Del., last Tuesday.”
Wheeler’s military career included writing one of the most important manuals on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons which led to his being hired in 2009as a consultant to the Mitre Corporation, whose aviation system development department, the GRU reports, is at the forefront of creating the computer command andcontrol systems used by the US Air Force in their fleet of aerial spraying planes.
These aerial spraying planes, this report continues, are based at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas that over the past few months have been involved with ‘test dispersants’ of poisonous gasses in the Afghanistan War Theater using chemical weapons stocks obtained from Iraq and held at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, also located in Arkansas.
Important to note about the Pine Bluff Arsenal, which calls itself “America’s Arsenal”, is that it is one of the World’s most specialized munitions and chemical-biological defense products and services bases which Russia had previously accused of not fully reporting the chemical agents removed from Iraq, between 2003 and 2008, and taken to the US for testing and subsequent destruction.
According to this report, the US relocated from Iraq to the Pine Bluff Arsenal an estimated 63,000 metric tonnes of the poisonous gas Phosgene that is described as one of the most feared chemical weapons ever used due to its ability to literally cause the lungs and respiratory system to explode.
Nearly immediately after Russia accused the US this past summer of not fully destroying Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpile the Pine Bluff Arsenal began an ‘accelerated’ disposal programme injecting it deep into the ground in central Arkansas, but which, unfortunately, since this past September, has caused over 500 minor earthquakes to occur raising the concerns of their local population.
More frightening, however, is the claim made in this report that the Americans have also begun shipping ‘massive quantities’ of Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks to Afghanistan where when used they will be able to say they had nothing to do with it, and believe no one will be able to prove it either.
Important to note about Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks are that they are no longer able to be made by any Western country, including the United States, which makes its value as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) incalculable, especially in a war situation like Afghanistan where the enemy forces are firmly entrenched in hostile terrain.
To the direct reason for Wheeler’s murder, this report says, was this past week’s transport of Iraqi Phosgene poisonous gas aboard a US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft from Little Rock Air Force Base enroute to Afghanistan that shortly after takeoff had a ‘critical malfunction’ of its aerial spraying computer directed command and control system over central Arkansas causing the deaths of thousands of red-wing blackbirds.
According to US reports an estimated 4,000 of these birds were killed outright and were quickly removed by US Environmental Services workers wearing hazmat suits and gas masks. Another US report states that cause of death to these thousands of birds was “trauma in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and a lot of internal bleeding” which this GRU report states is consistent with Phosgene exposure.
Even more chilling than this incident is this GRU report stating that it was the second “accidental” release of Phosgene poisonous gas in as many days, as the day before, this same US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft also had a “critical malfunction” causing a release over the Arkansas River that killed over 100,000 fish.
Upon Wheeler discovering what was happening with Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiles, this report continues, he traveled from his home in Delaware to Washington D.C. where he openly confronted and threatened to expose the Pentagon and White House Officials responsible. Being a Vietnam Veteran who wasresponsible for having the famous memorial to that war erected, Wheeler was more than knowledgeable about the United States massive chemical and biological attacks in that conflict and had vowed to not let happen again.
Sadly, but all too common in the United States these days, when Wheeler threatened to go public with what was happening he was targeted for death, and as a “sign” to anyone else thinking of going against the regime, had his body dumped in a garbage pit for all the World to see.
Today, another great American was murdered in an effort to save his country from destruction. Sadly, his death will go barely noticed; the American people seem no longer to care as they continue to seek their solace in their propaganda media lies rather than confronting the brutal truth about the monsters they have let rule over them.
For hundreds of thousands of other Americans they have become so disassociated with what is happening to, and around them, they have proclaimed May 21, 2011 as the day the World will end and are giving up everything in preparing to meet their God.
The great American Revolutionary leader Noah Webster once said, “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”
The Americans living today have utterly failed to heed these words and have, instead, become just what their masters have always intended for them to be… imbeciles. May God have mercy on them all.
SOURCE: The European Union News: View the original article HERE
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