How To Save Money This Holiday Season...

Well, the holidays are upon us and what a great time to save some money. We all have to buy gifts and this year it will be harder than ever to do this. What are we to do to get that extra bit of "holiday cash?"
There are lots of ways we can save money for the holidays as I've shown here in my blog, but one often overlooked way to save during the gift giving season is to make our gifts. I know what you're thinking, we're not children anymore and making our gifts isn't really the thing to do. Now, I'm not talking about drawing your grandmother a picture or building your mom a birdhouse out of popsicle sticks. I'm talking about giving your friends and relatives something great that they'll enjoy.
How about a nicely wrapped bag of tasty cookies.for your friends and family to munch on. Cookies are cheap and easy to make and who doesn't like cookies? You can get some inexpensive tins or cookie bags, bake a few dozen cookies and wrap them up and give them out. It really works great, it's very cost effective and it's a gift that they'll all love and enjoy.
Try baking some cookies this holiday season and save big on your gift giving budget!

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