Save Money By Enjoying FREE Entertainment!!!

One GREAT and often overlooked way to SAVE MONEY is by utilizing FREE entertainment! Rather than packing the family up in the car and heading out to the movies to drop a quick $50 or MORE usually, why not stay home and enjoy some FREE entertainment?
I'm talking about TV and Radio! Myself personally, I LOVE to sit in the evenings and enjoy "Live and Local" talk radio! We here in Northeast, Ohio are lucky enough to have Tom Erickson in the evenings on "The Talk OF Akron WNIR 100FM." If you are one of our out of the area readers don't worry, Tom streams his show LIVE on the internet!!! Check it out at and simply click "LISTEN LIVE" from 7-11pm Monday through Friday and a little earliler on Saturday!!
Tom Erickson tackles the issues every night with great knowledge and even throws in his own comedic twists. Noone knows better the pulse of local politics here in our area than him.


Tom spent the first 30 years of his career reporting Akron and Northeast Ohio news. In that time he’s covered thousands of local stories. Tom knows the history of the community and all the major players, giving him a unique ability to talk about our town. So how did Tom morph from news reporter to talk show host?

One fateful day, Tom was on his news shift when he got the call to make an emergency substitution for one of our regular talk hosts. With no notice, no talk experience and no prep time he stepped into the batter’s box and hit a home run! As a talk show host Tom’s personality and diverse talents were revealed and the audience loved it. So, on September 4, 2001 WNIR launched the Tom Erickson Show and it has been at the top of the ratings ever since.

So do like I do and enjoy some LIVE and LOCAL FREE entertainment in the evenings with Northeast Ohio's #1 evening local talk show at 100FM WNIR and LIVE online at

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